
Windows update causes Starfield crashes and other problems


If you are a starfield fan, the highly anticipated sci-fi RPG from Bethesda, you may have encountered some frustrating issues after the latest update of Windows. Many players have reported that their game crashes randomly, sometimes even causing a blue screen of death. Other issues include graphical glitches, audio stuttering, and performance drops.



What is causing these problems? According to some experts, the culprit is the update of Windows KB5005565, which was released on September 14, 2021. This update was supposed to fix some security vulnerabilities and improve the stability of Windows 10, but it seems to have done more harm than good. Some players.

The update apparently interferes with some drivers and software that are essential to running Starfield and other games without problems. Some of the affected components include DirectX, Nvidia GeForce Experience, and Steam. The update also changes some registry settings that may affect game performance and compatibility.

How can these problems be solved? There are a few possible solutions you can try, depending on your situation. Here are some of them:

– Uninstall Windows update KB5005565. This is the easiest way to get rid of problems, but it also means that you will miss out on security patches and other improvements that the update provides. To uninstall the update, go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > View update history > Uninstall updates. Look for the KB5005565 update and click Uninstall. Restart your computer and check if the problems are gone.

– Update your drivers and software. Sometimes the update Windows may cause compatibility issues with outdated drivers and software. To fix this issue, you need to update them to the latest versions. You can use a tool like Driver Booster or Driver Easy to scan your system and update all your drivers automatically. You can also check for updates manually from the websites of hardware manufacturers or software providers. For example, you can download the latest Nvidia drivers from here and the latest Steam client from here.

– Run Starfield as administrator. Some players have reported that running Starfield as administrator can resolve some of the crashing issues. To do this, right-click the Starfield icon on your desktop or in your Steam library and select Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab and check the box that says Run this program as administrator. Click Apply and OK, and then start the game.

– Disable full screen optimizations. Another possible solution is to disable full screen optimizations, which is a feature that aims to improve the gaming experience in Windows 10, but can sometimes cause problems. To disable it, follow the same steps above, but instead of checking Run this program as administrator, check Disable full screen optimizations.

– Change some game settings. If none of the above solutions work, you can try modifying some game settings to improve your performance and stability. Some of the settings you can change include reducing graphics quality, turning off V-sync, reducing resolution, and turning off modding. You can also try running the game in windowed mode or borderless windowed mode instead of full screen mode.

If you're a fan of Starfield, Bethesda's highly anticipated sci-fi role-playing game, you may have encountered some frustrating issues after the latest Windows update. Many players have reported that their game crashes randomly, sometimes even causing a blue screen of death. Other issues include performance drops, graphical glitches, and corrupted save files.

What is causing these problems? According to some experts, the culprit is the Windows update KB5005565, which was released on September 14, 2023. This update was supposed to fix some security vulnerabilities and improve the stability of Windows 10, but it seems to have done more harm than good. Some players.

The update apparently interferes with some drivers and software that are essential to running Starfield and other games without problems. For example, some users have noticed that their Nvidia graphics card drivers are not working properly after updating, resulting in low frame rates and visual artifacts. Others have discovered that their antivirus or firewall software blocks Starfield's access to the Internet, preventing them from playing online or downloading patches.

How can these problems be solved? The easiest solution is to uninstall Windows update KB5005565 from your computer. To do this, follow these steps:

– Go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > View update history.

– Click Uninstall updates.

– Look for the KB5005565 update and click Uninstall.

- Restart your computer.

This should restore your system to the previous state before the update and hopefully resolve the issues with Starfield and other games. However, keep in mind that uninstalling the update may also make your computer more vulnerable to security threats, so you should only do this as a temporary measure until Microsoft releases a patch or fix for the update.

Another possible solution is to update drivers and software manually. You can do this by visiting the official websites of your hardware and software vendors and downloading the latest versions of their products. For example, if you have an Nvidia graphics card, you can go to https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/ and download the latest driver for your model. Similarly, if you use antivirus software or a firewall, you can check their websites for updates and install them.

This could help your system run better and avoid conflicts with Windows Update. However, this may also require some time and effort, and may not work for everyone. Some users have reported that even after updating their drivers and software, they still experience crashes and crashes with Starfield and other games.

If none of these solutions work for you, you may have to wait until Microsoft or Bethesda releases a patch or fix for Windows Update or the game itself. You can check their official websites or social media accounts for any announcements or updates regarding this matter. If you're a fan of Starfield, Bethesda's highly anticipated sci-fi role-playing game, you may have encountered some frustrating issues after the latest Windows update. Many players reported crashes, freezes, and performance drops after installing the update, which was supposed to improve security and stability. What is causing these problems and how to fix them?

According to some experts, the Windows update could have interfered with some of the drivers or settings that Starfield relies on to run smoothly. For example, some users have noticed that the update changed their graphics settings or disabled their antivirus software, which could affect game performance. Other users have speculated that the update might have introduced some bugs or conflicts with Starfield's code, which could lead to crashes or crashes.

Fortunately, there are some possible solutions you can try to restore your gaming experience. These are some of the steps you can follow:

– Uninstall Windows update. This is the most drastic option, but it might be the only way to fix problems if they are caused by the update itself. To do this, go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > View update history > Uninstall updates. Then, select the update you want to remove and click Uninstall. Restart your computer and start Starfield to see if the problems are resolved.

– Update your drivers. Sometimes a Windows update may require you to update your drivers as well, especially if you have a dedicated graphics card. To do this, go to Device Manager > Display Adapters > Right click on your graphics card > Update Driver. Alternatively, you can use third-party software like Driver Booster or Driver Easy to scan and update your drivers automatically.

– Check your graphics settings. If Windows Update changed your graphics settings, you may need to adjust them again to suit your preferences and system specifications. To do this, start Starfield and go to Settings > Graphics. Then, modify the options like resolution, quality, anti-aliasing, etc. until you find the optimal balance between performance and visual elements.

– Disable or whitelist your antivirus software. Some antivirus software may interfere with Starfield files or processes, which could cause crashes or errors. To prevent this, you can temporarily disable your antivirus software while playing Starfield or add Starfield to your whitelist or exception list. To do this, consult your antivirus software's documentation or support page for instructions.

– Verify the integrity of the game files. Sometimes a Windows update can corrupt or delete some of Starfield's files, which could affect its functionality. To fix this issue, you can use Steam's built-in feature to verify the integrity of game files and repair missing or corrupted ones. To do this, go to Steam > Library > Right-click on Starfield > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Files. Wait for the process to complete and then launch Starfield to see if the problems are fixed.

If you're a fan of Starfield, Bethesda's highly anticipated sci-fi role-playing game, you may have encountered some frustrating issues after the latest Windows update. Many players reported crashes, freezes, and performance drops after installing the update, which was supposed to improve security and stability. What's worse, some of these issues are not limited to Starfield, but affect other games and apps as well.

If you're a fan of Starfield, Bethesda's highly anticipated sci-fi role-playing game, you may have encountered some frustrating issues after installing the latest Windows update. Many players have reported that the game crashes randomly, sometimes even preventing them from loading their saved progress. Other issues include graphical glitches, audio stuttering, and poor performance.

What is causing these problems? According to some experts, the culprit is the Windows update KB5005565, which was released on September 14, 2023. This update was supposed to fix some security vulnerabilities and improve the stability of Windows 10, but it seems to have introduced some compatibility issues with Starfield. and other games that use the Creation Engine.

How can these problems be solved? There are a few possible solutions you can try. One is to uninstall Windows update KB5005565 from your system. To do this, go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > View update history > Uninstall updates. Then select the KB5005565 update and click Uninstall. Restart your computer and start Starfield to see if the problems are gone.

Another solution is to run Starfield in compatibility mode. This will make the game run as if it were on an older version of Windows, which could avoid some of the conflicts caused by the update. To do this, right-click the Starfield icon on your desktop or in your Steam library and select Properties. Then, go to the Compatibility tab and check the box that says Run this program in compatibility mode for. Choose an older version of Windows, such as Windows 8 or Windows 7, and click Apply. Start Starfield and see if it works better.

A third solution is to update your graphics card drivers. Sometimes, outdated drivers can cause compatibility issues with new games or updates. To update your drivers, go to your graphics card manufacturer's website and download the latest version for your model. Alternatively, you can use a program like Driver Booster or Driver Easy to automatically scan and update your drivers. After updating your drivers, restart your computer and start Starfield to see if the problems are resolved.