
Microsoft introduces .NET MAUI for cross-platform applications

Microsoft ha anunciado el lanzamiento de .NET MAUI, un nuevo marco para crear aplicaciones multiplataforma con una única base de código. .NET MAUI significa .NET Multi-platform App UI y se basa en el popular marco Xamarin.Forms que permite a los desarrolladores crear UI nativas para iOS, Android, Windows y Mac.


.NET MAUI simplifies the development process by providing a consistent API across all platforms, as well as a common set of controls and layouts that adapt to different devices and screen sizes. Developers can also use the latest C# and .NET features, such as async/await, reference types that support NULL values and source code generators, to write clean, maintainable code.

.NET MAUI also integrates with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, providing a rich and productive developer experience. Developers can use tools such as XAML Hot Reload, Hot Restart, Live Visual Tree and Live Property Explorer to quickly design, debug and test their applications. In addition, .NET MAUI supports the use of third-party libraries and frameworks, such as MVVM, ReactiveUI, Prism and more.

.NET MAUI is part of the .NET 6 release, which is scheduled for November 2021. Developers can start using .NET MAUI today by installing the .NET 6 Preview 4 SDK and the latest version of Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code. For more information about .NET MAUI, visit the official website at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/xamarin/net-maui.

.NET MAUI: a new way to create cross-platform applications with .NET 6

If you’re a .NET developer and want to create native UIs for different platforms, you may be familiar with Xamarin.Forms, a popular framework that allows you to share UI code between Windows, iOS and Android. But what if you also want to target macOS? Or what if you want to take advantage of newer devices like Microsoft Surface Duo?

That’s where .NET MAUI comes in. .NET MAUI, which stands for .NET Multi-platform App UI, is a new user interface framework that builds on Xamarin.Forms and extends it to more platforms and devices. .NET MAUI was announced at the Microsoft Build developer conference on May 19 and will be part of the next version of .NET 6, which is expected to be previewed in November and reach general availability in 2021.

.NET MAUI is not just a rebranding of Xamarin.Forms. It is a major evolution that brings many improvements and new features. Here are some of the highlights of .NET MAUI:

– Single project, multiple platforms. With .NET MAUI, you don’t need to create separate projects for each platform. You can have one project targeting Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android and deploy it with a single click to any of these platforms. You can also use the same project structure for Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, depending on your preferences.

– Simplified resource management. With .NET MAUI, you can add images, fonts and translation files to your project in one place, and they will automatically connect to native platforms. No need to worry about managing different resource folders or naming conventions.

– Native API access. With .NET MAUI, you can access each platform’s native APIs through a common cross-platform API. You can also use platform-specific functions and user interface controls when you need them, without losing the benefits of code sharing.

– MVVM and MVU support. With .NET MAUI, you can use the familiar Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern and XAML syntax to create your UIs. You can also opt for the Model-View-ViewUpdate (MVU) pattern, which is a new way of creating user interfaces that promotes unidirectional data flow and state management. MVU also enables a code-driven development experience that updates the UI by applying only the necessary changes.

– Seamless migration path. If you have existing Xamarin.Forms applications, you do not need to rewrite them from scratch to use .NET MAUI. Microsoft plans to provide tools and guides to help you migrate your applications to .NET MAUI with minimal changes.

.NET MAUI is an exciting new framework that promises to make cross-platform development easier and more productive with .NET 6. You can learn more about .NET MAUI and follow its progress in the official GitHub repository.

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